Dietland - Happy Thanksgiving!
We completely didn't realize until just now that we'd be releasing our first book recommendation Dietland, by Sarai Walker, on Thanksgiving! Dietland isn't here to scold you about eating too many helpings of candied yams and stuffing. Rather, Dietland frees you from the patriarchy. (Seriously.) It is a work of fiction that is fiercely feminist. Our co-founder Krista fell in love with it this summer. (It's also an Oprah pick, but you care more about Krista's opinion than Oprah's, right? Right?)
From Krista, "It's funny, sweet, smart, it struck me to the core. I love it and I also hate that I didn't write it."
Krista's copy of Dietland along with her grandmother's pink yarn haul. Grandma is 85 years old and is excitedly knitting pussyhats for the Women's March on Washington D.C.! Photo by: Krista Suh.
Dietland begins rather like a classic chick lit novel - Plum is in her 20s and feeling depressed about her weight and life in general. Lovers of the chick lit genre will salivate because it has all the trappings of the drug we crave: the transformation story.
Sarai Walker delivers the transformation story and SO MUCH MORE. You will be transformed reading it. We highly recommend you read it this weekend, or listen to the audiobook as you knit your Pussyhats for the Women's March on Washington D.C.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Knitting! XOXO The Pussyhat Project