For DC Marchers

Dear Marchers (who already have or are still looking for hats):

First of all, Thank you for marching on behalf of all of us! We love that you are joining Pussyhat Project. For week-of logistics, follow us on twitter: @pussyhatproject. 


Marchers are our main way of distributing hats. That’s right! You are making this happen- you are a node of distribution. We have a sign you can print out right here if you would like people to know you are distributing: 

You can give your hats at the Women’s March or in the days leading up to or at the March.

The day of the Women’s March, bring your pussyhats to the rally and offer them to marchers who are not wearing one. If you have many pussyhats to give and are concerned about the size of your distribution bag, you should still be able to give the hats out in front of the rallying point.

If you are giving out hats to new folks in the days leading up to the march, please choose a safe and public location.


Before the march from anywhere

You can get a hat directly from a knitter. You can contact a knitter you know, reach out over social media, and talk to everyone you know about the Women’s March and Pussyhat Project. This serves two additional purposes, you are helping spread the word about Pussyhat Project and potentially connecting with more like-minded advocates for women’s rights. See our “Spread the word” post for more details about how to reach out. As January 21st quickly approaches, many knitters are looking for marchers to take hats to DC, and your help in bringing last-minute pussyhat packages would be wonderful and appreciated. 

You can offer to pick up from a local ally drop site. See our Locations Page to see if there is a Local Yarn Store near you. If they list themselves as a pickup site, they may have a hat for you. You can also offer to take their hats to DC to distribute. And, hooray, you may have connected with someone new who shares your interest in women’s rights!  If there isn’t a location listed, look up on yelp to see if there is a local yarn store that looks friendly and may have classes. Call them. Talk with them about the project and see if they want to be listed on our Locations Page. This helps you find knitters and could help knitters and knitter-curious folks find a group of like-minded women’s rights supporters. You just brought people together! That was great! Take as many hats as you can on behalf of your hat marker and distribute them before or at the march.



Days before the March

We love that you are looking for a #pussyhat and want to get one to you as smoothly as possible. So, here’s the plan. We are going to have few pickup sites in DC in the days leading up to the March. We will be announcing them on Facebook and Twitter. Please be patient. 

Our first distribution scheduled will be at Busboys and Poets at their 5th and K St. Location at 2 pm Wednesday, January 18. We will be there until the hats run out. We will see how that goes and then announce more times as soon as possible. 

Day of the March

We are giving out hats at the March. We love that you are a marcher who is already part of Pussyhat Project with your enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to women's rights. We have a spot confirmed and almost ready to announce. Follow us on Twitter: @pussyhatproject for any last minute changes.

Are you still a little concerned about hat distribution? We are doing our best! Hat makers are pouring their hearts into making hats for you and we are all so grateful for your participation. Please sign up on Twitter @pussyhatproject for logistics in DC (yes, we are mentioning it again). We have to be nimble and may have to make some last minute location changes. If so, we want you to know ASAP.



A knitter, sewer, or crocheter may have included a note with her gift of a pussyhat to you. If she did, please contact your hat maker. Take a photo so she can see her work in action. Whether or not there is a note included, please know that there is a women's rights supporter out there who is thanking you specifically with the gift of a pussyhat. Take lots of pictures and video of your experience at this historic event. Share them on social media and save them for future shareable opportunities.



1. We hope you continue to wear your pussyhat loudly and proudly everywhere and anywhere for years to come. Be prepared to don your pussyhat for future marches and protests. 

2. If you do not want your pussyhat after the march, please give it to a feminist who will wear it loudly and proudly. We know that there are many who are still in search of pussyhats.

3. The Michigan State University Museum is collecting stories, selfies, pussyhats, and other items related to Michigan women’s participation in the Women’s March in Washington, DC, and in Lansing, Michigan. Please consider donating your stuff and the stuff of your memories to the MSU Museum to document this historic event.  Before you send anything, please contact Shirley Wajda, Curator of History, 517.432.4582 or (better) (It is possible that other collections will also be asking for artifacts related to the Women's March and Pussyhat Project)

4. Bring your pussyhat back to your hometown and give it to someone who needs it to keep warm. We have had many participants suggest women's shelters and cancer wards. Become more involved with the organization you are supporting.

Thank you for being part of Pussyhat Project! We are deeply grateful.

In solidarity,

Jayna and Krista