Celebrate and Fight On!
The Women’s Marches of 2019 are coming up! There will be marches hosted across the country and the world!
From Ravelry (if you know the artist for credit, please share info). Each block is a person donning her pussyhat!
We are in the midst of an incredible grassroots movement. Across the country, from local to national elections, women are gaining political power. There are more women about to be in Congress than ever before. More people voted in a midterm election than ever before. This is because of you. This is because you made and wore pussyhats, broadcasting that you care about women’s rights. This is because you canvassed, texted, held political meetings, talked about politics and women, ran for office— and voted. Something to celebrate for sure.
Everyone should march in your own way. When we come together publicly and visibly, it sends a message. By participating physically, or in supporting the marchers through pussyhats, you help send the clear and vital message that Women’s Rights are Human Rights.
Here’s the plan for the 2019 Women’s Marches: let’s show up in pussyhats everywhere a march takes place. March where it feels right to you. Maybe you cannot make it to the march, but maybe you can march down your street in solidarity.
Check out the Women’s March (they have been putting together a comprehensive list). Help everyone know about your local march! If you are aware of a march or women’s rights event that isn’t on the Women’s March list that you think would be of interest to our community, let us know and we will publish it on our website.
If you make pussyhats, or want to, do it! Include a note for your marcher about what women’s issues are important to you. Bring you pussyhats to a march, give them to a friend, or bring them to a local yarn store ally (we are updating our list, but feel free to look at 2018 and give your LYS a call). You can always send them to us at anytime to The Little Knittery (Pussyhat Project/The Little Knittery 1808 N. Vermont Ave./ Los Angeles, CA 90027) and we will find your beautiful work a home.
via Newsweek
While you make your pussyhats, consider what other actions you will take in the coming year. What women’s rights issue will you bring attention to in 2019?
In solidarity,