Get out the Vote!

“I’m writing to you today to urge you to vote and to share my story with you. I vote in every election because….” -the beginning of every letter to a voter as part of the BIG SEND

If you are looking ways to help get out the vote, here’s one more!

We are thrilled to partner with Vote Forward in the Big Send.

Here’s how it works:

Sign up here. It will take about a day for a volunteer to make sure everything is ok.

Once approved, You choose which campaign to support and how many letters you can commit to completing.

Each letter is for a specific voter. Download each letter, and print it. Then, by hand, fill in why you vote. Address the envelope. Put a stamp on it and mail it on OCTOBER 17.

I love what Vote Forward is doing for a few reasons.

  1. All you need is a printer, some envelopes and stamps and a love of voting.

  2. It’s statistically effective.

  3. It reminds me of the Pussyhat note of sharing “What women’s rights issue is important” to the maker of a Pussyhat as a way of connecting and sharing ideas with the receiver of the Pussyhat.

  4. We are all part of a larger project to send out 15 million hand written messages to unlikely voters. You can choose which specific campaign you want to support.

Here’s more information

If you are already working on getting out the vote, thank you! Keep doing what you are doing.

If you are looking for ways to get out the vote, Vote Forward is a great place to start.

In community,
