A Pussyhat Project Knit In

Dear Pussyhat Community,

TL/DR: come knit and strategize

“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

To me, Pussyhat has always been more than a single hat. It is a way to connect, support, and lift up one another. It is a way to recognize the power each of us has to make change, and how we become more powerful when we do it together.

We are reeling from multiple tragedies. We are isolated and angry.

At the beginning of the pandemic I started Masks for Humanity with weekly stitch-ins, as well as virtual knit nights for Welcome Blanket. I felt connected and got to meet people all around the country. I had to take an unexpected break due to my own health issues, and I have missed our community while being away from it.

This article by Tara Haelle, “Your Surge Capacity is Depleted, it’s why you feel awful”, has helped me make sense of where I am right now with everything— and perhaps where many of us are now. In it, Ann Masten, PhD shares: “Helping others is one of those win-win strategies of taking action because we’re all feeling a sense of helplessness and loss of control about what’s going on with this pandemic, but when you take action with other people, you can control what you’re doing.” Being a part of this community and getting out the vote are the ways I want to take action.

Come join me. Let’s come together to support and strategize between now and November 3. We deserve leaders who will treat us with dignity. We all need to fight for democracy.

Pussyhat Project Knit In

From the Seattle Times, Image by Ellen W Banner

From the Seattle Times, Image by Ellen W Banner


Make a Pussyhat, work on something else, or just come as you are. Everyone is welcome. We will introduce ourselves and talk craft and GOTV strategy. After the first knit-along, we’ll take what we learned and apply it to a weekly Tuesday knit-along.

Needles up, hearts open, Pussyhats on (literally or figuratively).

In community,


PS. Want to help save our democracy? Here are some places to start:

1.     Make sure you filled out your Census.
This is for everyone and there is no question about immigration status.

2.     Check your voter registration.

3.     If you aren’t registered and you are eligible, register to vote.

4.     Get 5 friends to agree to vote. Call them, see how they are doing, and make a plan about how and when you will all vote.

5.     Register to be a poll worker.